Rugs Proudly Made In The U.S.A.

The American-made rug story starts in small towns such as West Warwick - Rhode Island, Anderson - South Carolina, Calhoun - Georgia, Dalton - Georgia, Sugar Valley - Georgia. Hard working communities surround manufacturing mills that proudly produce quality area rugs expressly designed for the American home with our desire for an easy-care lifestyle in mind.

WORLD OF RUGS is honored to present this special selection of over 500 area rug styles to our loyal Arizona community, and to contribute to the positive process of Shopping Local and the Recycling of US Dollars - it's a WIN-WIN for our economy.

American Made

We believe...

  • Domestic job creation is a vital part of the new economy
  • Less environmental impact with American manufacturing standards
  • Conservation of natural resources with reduced import transportation
  • Good design with sound quality control promotes confidence and integrity

Our mission...

  • To strengthen the role of American-made products in today's marketplace
  • To answer the call of conscientious consumers need for America-made decorating options
  • To educate knowing that where and how a product was made is essential

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