Shop With Confidence

  • We make rug shopping fun, fast and easy. It's what we do every day so we're really good at it.
  • 1000's of rugs in-stock. We have more rugs in different shapes and sizes than anyone else in the Valley for you to see, feel, touch, try and buy. Take one home today!
  • 100% satisfaction guaranteed with our no-risk trial. You can’t make a selection mistake because we offer a 48 hour in-home approval. No restocking fees either!
  • Our professional staff knows everything there is to know about area rugs and non-slip padding. They are here to help you make the best decision possible.
  • With over 36 years of being in business in Arizona, our selection is tailored to meet the needs of this community.
  • We like the best possible value for our money as much as you do, while providing the best possible quality. Our rugs look fantastic and wear well for many years.

Local Arizona Business for over 30 years

ASID Industry Partner

Our Story...

36 Years in the Making

In 1986 our original store opened in Scottsdale at Tatum Boulevard and Thunderbird Road on the day after Christmas to a Phoenix population of less than 900,000 city residents. The small showroom held approximately 300 rugs with prices starting at $1000 for an authentic hand-knotted wool rug.

Fast forward to today with a prime Scottsdale location serving 4.5 million residents. Our larger store features 1000's of rugs with a wide variety of styles, colors and sizes. Globalization and technological advances in the manufacturing process have improved the rugs feel with no-worry wearability, plus created great value with prices starting at $199 for a sofa size rug. Of course, our smaller size scatter rugs are even less! We search the world market constantly for the most beautiful fashionable area rugs that are desired by our local customers and fit the Valley’s home decorating style.

Explore your home decorating options with our vast assortment of Modern, Casual, Transitional, Traditional, Oriental and Southwest styles. Available sizes range from 2' x 3' up to 12' x 18’, plus shapes including round, square, oval, octagon and hallway runners. We’ll help you determine the perfect size layout for living rooms, dining rooms, family rooms, kitchens, entertainment areas, office spaces, bedrooms and outdoor patios. If it’s unique that you desire, our custom rug program can accommodate anything imaginable.

Our Promise

Dear Arizona,

Our WORLD OF RUGS showroom revolves around the needs of our clients. The services, information, design assistance and experience of our specialized sales team along with our supportive manufacturing partners all work together to bring you WORLD OF RUGS special brand of colorful, cozy comfort.

Our mission is to provide each customer with the highest quality rug selection with expert guidance, and live our values of being genuinely helpful, respectful, encouraging and understanding as we assist you with your unique home decorating project.

On behalf of the entire World of Rugs team, we look forward to working with you, and wish you A HAPPY HOME-LIFE.

Warmest regards,

Ingrid Harazim


We are committed to satisfying our customers by listening to their individual needs and offering solutions to their decorating questions.

Success Strategy

We are motivated by the joy that our loyal customers derive from our fine quality selection, as we are aware that our success will come from always providing beauty, and meaningful value.


World of Rugs is honest, fair and committed to excellence. We offer respect to each other, our customers and our place of business. We strive to fulfil all of our promises.


Having fun is a must! World of Rugs is determined to enthusiastically combine our beautiful products with special customers to produce the desired results in their homes.


World of Rugs celebrates and draws strength from individual differences and uses the power of collaboration to achieve shared success.

Are you ready to bare your soles to the comfort of rugs?

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