Create Custom Rugs with EASE

Confidently customize every detail of your unique rug utilizing our state of the art Virtual Custom Rug Builder. Within minutes and with a few quick clicks you'll see your design in full color prior to ordering, eliminating the guesswork on how the finished rug will look. Visit our store location and our talented staff will assist you through this custom process.

Step 1

Choose your Design.

Begin to create a rug perfectly suited for you. Select from a large variety of border patterns, floral motifs, geometric designs or a simple solid color.

Step 2

Choose your Size & Shape.

Custom order the exact size you need to fit your space. Special shape options include Round, Square, Oval, Octagon, Rectangle and Hallway Runners.

Step 3

Choose your Colors & Materials.

Select from a wide ranging palette of neutral to vibrant fashion hues. Materials include easy-care nylon, luxurious wool and natural sisal; in plush, shag, looped, carved, beveled and hi-low textures.

Your Finished Rug

Made especially for you.

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